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As I was driving back from Winnipeg last week I could not help but notice how the leaves on the birch trees were changing colour. Already. The flood of 'Back-to-school' flyers and commercials has begun. Yes, summer is winding up and fall is just over the horizon. There's good news in this relentless cycling of the seasons of course. 'Back-to-school' is one part of fall that particularly fills me with eager anticipation. Many other activities in which we find enjoyment resume as the calendar changes to September.

In August the Board of Directors of the Regina Philharmonic Chorus met. In consultation with our artistic director Mr. Hart Godden we established the programme for the upcoming season and the beginning dates for auditions and rehearsals. 

The Board of Directors is a group of dedicated volunteers elected by the membership of the Chorus every year. The generous individuals serving on the Board give of their talents and energies in order that the Chorus will function smoothly and avoid any potholes that may be lurking over the horizon. Every director assumes a responsibility that ranges from tending our website to making sure that we have chairs to sit on when we arrive at our rehearsals on Tuesdays to writing the cheques! We are here to help you and to help Hart so that we can do what we like doing best, singing!

Have a great year!

Eric Muirhead